################# Starter's Guide ################# For newcomes, beginners and all types of newbies. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 How to start playing on Outcast? ================================================= First go through the Beginner Hunting Area to get better equipment. The beginner area can be found in the south-west teleport inside the Temple & Depot where you spawn everytime. Before you go hunting, train your skills, and buy or make runes (you don't need blank runes, just use the spell). Also train Magic Level so that you can use the most important spells for the chosen profession. **List of Spells** .. image:: starterguide/1.png EXP Runes ---- To level faster you should use EXP Boost runes (They last for 8 days and give you a +75% Boost) which you can get in the following ways: - Follow Outcast on https://youtube.outcastserver.com and https://twitch.tv/god_qutor, then write message in game to God Qut that you've followed the channels. Wait until he reads the message and activates your EXP boost. You can check how long your boost is by !expboost - Loot them from bosses like Morgaroth and other stronger bosses - From the shop for donation points - Win them from the Zombie Event - Buy from other players (400-500cc for XP boost 3, 1500-2000cc for XP boost 4) - Win them from events that GM Announcer organizes weekly - From monster tasks (ask NPC Starboy on Edron’s boat) XP Boost Statues ---- There are several places on the server where there are Golden Phoenix statues which can be clicked and a short term super XP Boost gets activated. When you activate it, you will get 200% to 300% experience boost from monsters for a certain period of time. The XP Bonus ends after you die, teleport or log out, but don't worry, you can use the EXP Statue without limits by going back to the location and clicking it again. Party XP Bonus ---- Bonus for EXP in the party on Outcast is 75%, so it is much faster to XP with a team than going solo. Every 6 hours a 200% party exp bonus is activated, so for 2 players in the party you get the same amount of experience for the monster as you get solo. Shared XP with each player! No matter what level your party member has, you both will get the same amount of experience for the monsters. How to gain XP and Levels quickly? ---- Remember, this is important! To EXP faster you have to kill as many monsters as possible in the shortest possible time, so try to lure as many monsters as you can and attack them all at once. You could stairhop them, or find some other method of doing it. On the Outcast exhaust is 1 second, so spells and runes are much more important in fast hunting than physical attacks. **Most Useful Spells & Runes for each vocation** ``Knight`` Uber Exori, Exori, Explo ``Paladin`` Sonar, Avalanche Rune, SD, Explo ``Sorcerer`` Exevo Gran Mas Vis, Avalanche Rune, Exevo Death Hur, SD, Exevo Gran Vis Lux ``Druid`` Exevo Gran Mas Pox, Avalanche Rune, Exevo Water Hur, SD, Exura Sio, Exura Gran Mas Res Making Money ---- - The fastest way to earn money at the beginning of the game is collecting items from the monsters and selling them to NPC Tirano at +1 Floor in Depot & Temple. - Another way is to get a minimum of 4000 max task points through the !task system, and collect 100cc for each 4000 task points with the command: ``!task crystal coins`` - Every few hours Double Loot is activated and it lasts 30 minutes. The activation of double loot is always announced in the default chat. Use this time to double your profits, it is an extremely beneficial moment in getting the most money possible - The fastest way to earn money on Outcast is to farm the following monster: ``Noble Warrior`` during double loot, they drop 1 CC to 45 CC per kill. This is specific boss that deals very quick damage from a distance, but is much weaker up close. The best way to farm Nobles is to lure them to the stairs and hop them. Noble Warrior has 100,000 hp, the preferred level for Knight and Paladin is 500, for Mages 700. Useful Commands ---- ``!info`` – Shows important server information ``!commands`` - This command will show you a list of every single command available in the game ``!promotion`` – Purchase promotion for 20k for faster MANA & HP regeneration ``!expboost`` - Shows how long until your EXP boost ends ``!deathloss`` – Shows you info about death loss and double loot ``!checkpoint`` - Shows how many checkpoint teleports and resurrections you have used ``!points`` - Shows how many donation points you have ``!task points`` – Shows how many task points you have ``!task maxpoints`` – Increase your maximum task points for 100% your max task points ``!task outcast`` – Purchase Outcast Pass for 30 days ``!outcastpass`` – Shows how and date and time when your Outcast Pass will expire ``!vocation`` - Change your vocation from Sorc to Druid and vice versa for 100cc Age System ---- As you gain more Age, you will get access to new outfits, quests & areas. You will also have more charges in your runes as your character gets older. You can also get free Shop Points by gaining more Age and clicking the Golden statue at the Temple. Gaining Age is very beneficial to the progress of your character. 24 hours of online time is 1 Age. This list shows how many rune charges you will have in your runes **when buying them** at a certain Age. ``Age 0`` 35x ``Age 1-2`` 40x ``Age 3-4`` 55x ``Age 5-9`` 60x ``Age 10-12`` 80x ``Age 13-19`` 100x ``Age 20-59`` 150x ``Age 60+`` 255x This list shows how many rune charges you will have in your runes **when creating them** at a certain Age. ``Age 0`` 10x ``Age 1`` 20x ``Age 2`` 30x ``Age 3`` 40x ``Age 4`` 50x ``Age 5`` 60x ``Age 6`` 70x ``Age 7`` 80x ``Age 8`` 90x ``Age 9+`` 100x Vroengard, Main City DP ---- .. image:: starterguide/2.png Qutor's Grove ---- .. image:: starterguide/3.png Edron ---- .. image:: starterguide/4.png EXP Spots & Hunting Areas ================================================= Vroengard (Main City) ---- **Main City Dwarves** ``Level`` 40 – 80 (Very Easy) ``Monsters`` Dwarf, Dwarf Soldier, Dwarf Guard, Dwarf Necromancer ``Tactic`` GFB, Avalanche, Explo **Ornamented Shield Quest** ``Level`` 40 – 120 (Easy) ``Monsters`` Minotaurs, Orcs, Dragon, Hydra, Warlock ``Tactic`` GFB, Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, UE **Demon Hell** ``Level`` 80 – 150 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Behemoth, Warlock, Demon, Orshabaal, Morgaroth ``Tactic`` Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, UE .. image:: starterguide/5.png Best "Teleport World" EXP Spots ---- You can go to the Teleport World from the lower right teleport in Temple & Depot **Dragon Lands** ``Level`` 40 – 120 (Easy) ``Monsters`` Dragon, Dragon Lord ``Tactic`` Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, UE **Spider Island** ``Level`` 40 – 80 (Very Easy) ``Monsters`` Tarantula, Giant Spider ``Tactic`` GFB, Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave **Elite Lands** ``Level`` 80 – 150 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Warlock, Demon, Hydra, Black Knight, Dragon Lord, Orshabaal ``Tactic`` Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar **The Jungle** ``Level`` 80 – 120 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Hydra, Lernaean Hydra ``Tactic`` Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, UE **Somber of Inferno** ``Level`` 40 – 180 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Dragon, Dragon Lord, Demodras, Warlock, Demon ``Tactic`` Avalanche, Explo, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, UE .. image:: starterguide/6.png Aberon ---- **Dragon Lair** ``Level`` 80 – 200 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Dragon, Dragon Lord, Demodras ``Tactic`` SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, Beam **Hydras** ``Level`` 130 – 200 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Hydra, Demodras ``Tactic`` SD, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche .. image:: starterguide/7.png Forbidden Forest ---- **Big Foot Seat** ``Level`` 130 – 180 (Easy) ``Monsters`` Centaur, Ent, Walking Tree, Blessed Wizard, Big Foot ``Tactic`` Avalanche, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave **Undergrounds** ``Level`` 130 – 200 (Easy) ``Monsters`` Humongous Beetle ``Tactic`` SD, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche **Country Backpack Quest** ``Level`` 130 – 200 (MS, ED, RP) (Medium) ``Monsters`` Elementas Draconis, Delphian Draconis ``Tactic`` SD, Avalanche, Wave, UE **North Forest** ``Level`` 150 – 200 (MS, ED, RP) (Hard) ``Monsters`` Elemental Draconis, Delphian Draconis, Giant, Bermudan Draconis ``Tactic`` Avalanche, SD, Wave, UE .. image:: starterguide/8.png Edron ---- **North Edron** ``Level`` 150 – 200 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Giant, Rape Ape, Blessed Wizard, Ent, Walking Tree, Arm of Wrath, Bermudan Draconis ``Tactic`` Avalanche, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, Wave, UE **Edron Shops** ``Level`` 200 – 350 (Medium) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/9.png ``Tactic`` Stairhoping with: Avalanche, SD, Exori, Uber Exori, Sonar, UE **West Edron** ``Level`` 300 – 400 (Medium) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/10.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE .. image:: starterguide/11.png Fallen Gods Magicians Creek ---- ``Level`` 350 – 750 (Easy) ``Monsters`` (You will also find many other monsters and bosses here, but the fastest exp is on the listed below) .. image:: starterguide/12.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Solo Stairhoping, Team Hunting, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE .. image:: starterguide/13.png Plains Checkpoint 1 ---- (300% XP Boost Statue located at the area, click to activate) ``Level`` 450 – 650 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Demon, Hydra Gryphon, Behemoth and few stronger like: .. image:: starterguide/14.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD .. image:: starterguide/15.png Beluna ---- (300% XP Boost Statue located at the area, click to activate) ``Level`` 500 – 750 (Medium) ``Monsters`` Hydra, Demon, House Elf, Gremlin and few stronger like: .. image:: starterguide/16.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD .. image:: starterguide/17.png Skyrider Waterfalls 2 ---- (300% XP Boost Statue located at the area, click to activate) ``Level`` 750+ (Hard) ``Monsters`` Huge mix of them, the most common ones: .. image:: starterguide/18.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD .. image:: starterguide/19.png Desert of Zenith ---- (200% XP Boost Statue located at the area, click to activate) ``Level`` 800+ (Hard) ``Monsters`` huge mix, the most occurring: .. image:: starterguide/20.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD .. image:: starterguide/21.png Yalahar ---- **Yalahar Mayan Ruins** ``Level`` 650 + (Medium) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/22.png ``Bosses Areas`` .. image:: starterguide/23.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Solo Stairhoping, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD **Yalahar Dark Mountains** ``Level`` 700 + (Medium) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/24.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Solo Stairhoping, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD ``Bosses Areas`` .. image:: starterguide/25.png **Yalahar Incan Empire** ``Level`` 750 + (Medium) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/26.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Solo Stairhoping, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD ``Bosses Areas`` .. image:: starterguide/27.png **Yalahar Incan Chambers** (Boss Hunting Area) ``Level`` 1000 + Blocker, 500 + Shooters (Hard) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/28.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Avalanche, SD **Yalahar Circle of Mysteries** ``Level`` 1000 + (Hard) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/29.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Solo Stairhoping, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD **Yalahar Abysses of Achernar 1** (200% XP Boost Statue located at the area, click to activate) ``Level`` 1250 + (Hard) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/1a.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Team Hunting, Solo Stairhoping, Uber Exori, Exori, Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE, SD ``Bosses Areas`` .. image:: starterguide/2a.png **Yalahar Abysses of Achernar 2** Cave Area ``Level`` 1500 + (Ultra Hard) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/3a.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Solo/Duo Stairhoping, Uber Exori,Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE .. image:: starterguide/4a.png **Achernars Farmpit** ``Level`` 1250 + (Very Hard) ``Monsters`` .. image:: starterguide/5a.png ``Tactic`` Blocker + Shooter/Healer, Solo/Duo Stairhoping, Uber Exori,Sonar, Wave, Avalanche, UE ``Bosses Areas`` .. image:: starterguide/6a.png .. image:: starterguide/7a.png