Checkpoint Guide

For Starters

Checkpoints System

To teleport back into a checkpoint at a later date, you first need to reach it once and then click it to activate. Once you have clicked the checkpoint statue, you can teleport into that same location at a later date by talking to NPC Sir Mystic Rick at Edron Boat. Checkpoints at Quests appear as the Phoenix Bird statues with electricity and blue walls surrounding the statues, this theme never changes. Whenever you find such a statue anywhere in a quest, click it immediately.

You are only allowed to use 4 checkpoint teleports per checkpoint reset

Checkpoint teleport counter resets every 6 hours online

!checkpoint Command shows how many checkpoint teleports and resurrections you have used

Resurrection System

The Resurrection system, in all of its simplicity, allows a player who just died to return back to where their body is. Everytime you die, an item called “Baphomets Tool of Resurrection” will appear inside your dead body. If someone is alive at the place where you just died, that player can click that item and you will be teleported back to your body. To do this, after dying, you need to walk one floor down in Temple & Depot, and go inside a placed called “The Chamber of Resurrection”. Once you stand inside that room, someone can click the Tool of Resurrection inside your body, and you will be teleported back to where you died.

Each time you revive someone, your mana is restored also the exp of a killed player is fully restored!

The amount of times you can be resurrected is currently 4 times in a row

Resurrection teleport counter resets every 6 hours online

!checkpoint Shows how many Resurrection and Checkpoint teleports you have used today


How to unlock the Checkpoints

The indicated paths lead directly to the checkpoints. Most of the passages have to be unlocked with levers, mechanical bosses etc. Have Fun!

1. Fallen Gods Checkpoint 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 300, RP – 450

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boat:


2. Fallen Gods Checkpoint 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 400, RP – 550

The Strongest Monsters from Fallen Gods Checkpoint 1:


3. Fallen Gods Magicians Creek

This Checkpoint is unlocked for everyone from the beginning

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 300, RP – 450

The Strongest Monsters from Fallen Gods Checkpoint 1:


4. Helarctos Checkpoint 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 450, RP – 600

The Strongest Monsters from Fallen Gods Checkpoint 1:


Map for Checkpoints 1-4:


5. Dark Overlord Checkpoint 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 500, RP – 700

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 1:


6. Dark Overlord Checkpoint 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 500, RP – 700

The Strongest Monsters from Dark Overlord Checkpoint 1:


Map for Checkpoitns 5-6:


7. Plains Checkpoint 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 400, RP – 550

The Strongest Monsters from Fallen Gods Checkpoint 1:


8. Plains Checkpoint 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 450, RP – 600

The Strongest Monsters from Plains Checkpoint 1:


Map for Checkpoints 7-8:


9. Mysticon Checkpoint 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 550, RP – 750

The Strongest Monsters from Fallen Gods Checkpoint 1:


10. Mysticon Checkpoint 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 550, RP – 750

The Strongest Monsters from Mysticon Checkpoint 1:


Map for Checkpoints 9-10:


11. Beluna Checkpoint 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 450, RP – 600

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 1:


12. Beluna Checkpoint 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 450, RP – 600

The Strongest Monsters from Beluna Checkpoint 1


13. Beluna Pyramid Checkpoint 3

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 500, RP – 650

The Strongest Monsters from Beluna Checkpoint 2:


‘’Map for Checkpoints 11-13:’‘

_images/19.png _images/20.png

14. Oceanic Lizard Weapon 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 350, RP – 500

The Strongest Monsters from Tarid Boat:


Map for Checkpoint 14


15. Oceanic Lizard Shield 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 550, RP – 750

The Strongest Monsters from Mysticon Checkpoint 2:


Map for Checkpoint 15:


16. Skyrider Waterfalls 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 450, RP – 600

The Strongest Monsters from Fallen Gods Checkpoint 2:


17. Skyrider Waterfalls 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 550, RP – 700

The Strongest Monsters from Skyrider Waterfalls 1:


18. Skyrider Waterfalls Mountain

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 700, RP – 950

The Strongest Monsters from Skyrider Waterfalls 2:


Map for Checkpoints 16-18:


19. Edron Boss Run 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 250, RP – 350

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boat:


20. Edron Boss Run 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 500, RP – 700

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 1:


Map for Checkpoints 19-20:


21. Beluna Corridors

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 600, RP – 800

The Strongest Monsters from Beluna Checkpoint 1:

Coming Soon

Map for Checkpoint 21:


22. Desert of Zenith 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 500, RP – 700

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 2:


Map for Checkpoint 22:


23. Yalahar Mayan Ruins

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 400, RP – 550

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boat/Edron Boss Run 1:


Map for Checkpoint 23:


24.Yalahar Mayan Ruins 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 300, RP – 500

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Mayan Ruins:


25. Yalahar Incan Empire

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 300, RP – 500

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Mayan Ruins:


26. Yalalar Incan Empire 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 400, RP – 550

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Mayan Ruins:


27. Yalahar Dark Mountains

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 350, RP – 500

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Mayan Ruins:


28. Yalahar Dark Mountains 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 350, RP – 500

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Mayan Ruins:


Map for Checkpoints 24-28:


29. Yalahar Circle of Mysteries

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 500, RP – 700

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 2:


30. Yalahar The Spaceship

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 950, RP – 1300

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Circle of Mysteries:


31. Yalahar Spaceship 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 1400, RP – 1800

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar The Spaceship:


Map for Checkpoints 29-31:


32. Yalahar Abysses of Achernar 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 1000, RP – 1400

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 2:


33. Yalahar Abysses of Achernar 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 1100, RP – 1500

The Strongest Monsters from Yalahar Abysses of Achernar 1:


34. Kingdom Farmlands 1

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 1000, RP – 1400

The Strongest Monsters from Edron Boss Run 2:


35. Kingdom Farmlands 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 1500, RP – 2000

The Strongest Monsters from Kingdom Farmlands 1:


36. Kingdom Farmlands 3

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 1500, RP – 2000

The Strongest Monsters from Kingdom Farmlands 2:


Map for Checkpoints 32-26:


37. Achernars Farmpit

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 2000, RP – 3000

The Strongest Monsters from Kingdom Farmlands 3:


38. Achernars Farmpit 2

Recommended blocker lvl: EK – 2000, RP – 3000

The Strongest Monsters from Achernars Farmpit 1:


Map for Checkpoint 37-38:


How to Open Fallen Gods & Plains

1. Fallen Gods


2. Plains of Gold
